Need a quick answer? Skim through the questions we get most often.

What’s a Feedback Loop (FBL)?

When sending emails to subscribers, it’s important to send to people that actually want to receive your newsletter. When receiving unsolicited email, users can delete the email, click on the ‘Report this email as Spam’ link or click on ‘Mark this as Junk’ in their email client.


What does a ‘Failed’ message mean?

A message that’s been sent and shows up in Reports with a ‘Failed’ status means that it wasn’t successfully sent.


Why do only some of my contacts receive emails?

Contacts will continue to receive email unless their status is set to ‘Off’, ‘Unsubscribed’ or ‘Bounced’. However, if a contact’s status is ‘Active’ and they do not receive email, it’s likely that the emails are being sent and are bouncing but that the contact has not yet reached their bounce limit.


How long do public Share Reports stay online?

You have the ability to share an email or SMS report with someone else via a URL link. The report shows all the details about the message on a public page.


How does geolocation work?

The geolocation is an estimate of the real-world location of an object connected to the internet or a GPS; usually a mobile phone or a computer.


Why is my image not at full width on a mobile device?

Mobile devices have different screen sizes which affect how an image appears. Smaller images do not stretch to fill the column space. We recommend a minimum image width of 600px to cover most screen sizes.
