Need a quick answer? Skim through the questions we get most often.

What should my ZIP folder contain?

During email composition, you can upload a ZIP file containing all your email elements. For it to work seamlessly, the ZIP folder has to have a specific format.


What is CSS and how does it affect my emails?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a design language that defines the layout of HTML documents and is commonly applied to webpages and browser-based content.


Can I embed a video in my email?

No, you can’t embed a video in your emails. But, you can share a video-preview image in an email, which links to a video in YouTube or Vimeo.


Can I add emojis to SMSs?

We don’t currently have an emoji interface for SMS, as we do for email subject lines. However, you can add some emoticons using punctuation marks. Here’s a list of emoticons to get you started.


Can the system recall emails?

No, the system can’t recall emails. Once an email has been sent, there’s no way to retract it. Make sure you test your emails and send the right one to the right people as there’s no going back once it’s been sent.
