Delete Webhook
Call this endpoint using a DELETE request to delete a webhook containing the webhook ID you’ve provided.
Method | URL | Parameters |
DELETE |[Webhook ID] | [Webhook ID] – ID of the webhook to be deleted |
Example Request
curl --location --request DELETE ''
Status codes
Status code | Explanation |
200 OK | The request was successfully processed |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid/Missing authorization credentials |
Properties of response with status 200 OK
Property | Description | Parameters |
status | The success state of the delete request |
Properties of response with status 401 Unauthorized
Property | Description | Data type | Expected parameters |
code | The HTTP response status code | integer |
message | The reason for the failure | string | Valid string |
error | Array containing errors field | JSON |
errors | Array containing the failure details | JSON |
domain | The classification of the type of error | string |
reason | Keyword used to describe the error | string |
message | Text describing the reason for the failure | string | Valid string |
locationType | The location where the failure occurred | string |
location | The type of validation that failed | string |
Example responses
Successful deletion [200 OK]
{ "status": true }
Nothing to delete [200 OK]
{ "status": false }
Invalid/Missing authorization credentials [401 Unauthorized]
{ "code": 401, "message": "Login Required", "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "required", "message": "Login Required", "locationType": "request", "location": "authorization" } ] } }