This page lists examples of the payloads that will be sent to registered transactional email webhooks. The webhook payloads may differ based on the event that triggered it, or whether certain settings have been enabled.
The webhook event type can be one of:
- sent
- delivered
- failed
- bounce
- open
- click
- unsubscribe
- resubscribe
The setting field_set can be set to legacy on a webhook to format the webhook payload to match the legacy transactional email callback payloads. With this setting, if the include_html field was set to true, will send the transactional email’s body HTML as part of the webhook payload.
Properties applicable to all non-legacy payloads
Property | Sub-Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
id | The webhook payload ID | string | ||
type | The event type of the webhook | enum (string) |
timestamp | The date and time when the webhook was triggered | date-time | ISO 8601 date-time string | |
data | Array containing the details of the transaction that triggered the webhook | Array |
transaction | id | The ID assigned to the transaction when it was generated | string | |
message_id | The ID assigned to the message when it was sent | string | ||
method | The method that was used to send the transaction | enum (string) |
group | The group that the transaction was sorted in. Default is by month unless a name was provided | Array |
The transaction group ID | string | ||
The name of the group | string | ||
sent_timestamp | The date and time that the email was sent | date-time | ISO 8601 date-time string | |
subject | The subject line text of the email | string | ||
message_size_bytes | The total length of the message in bytes | string | ||
recipient | The contact who received the email in this event | Array |
The shortened name for the recipient | string | ||
The recipient’s email address | string | ||
Whether the recipient was a direct recipient or carbon-copied | enum (string) |
from | The email address and name listed as the sender of the email. | Array |
The name that will appear as the sender in the recipient’s inbox | string | ||
The email address that will appear as the sender in the recipient’s inbox | string | ||
custom_headers | Array containing any custom headers that were sent with the transaction. Null if none were provided | Array|null |
Properties applicable only to click events
Property | Sub-Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
click | link | The URL that was clicked and recorded | string | Valid URL |
unique_click | Whether this was a click from a unique source or a repeated click | enum (string) |
Properties applicable only to bounce events
Property | Sub-Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
bounce | The email address that the email bounced from | string | ||
received_timestamp | The date and time that the email bounced, i.e. when it would have been received by the recipient | date-time | ISO 8601 date-time string | |
type | The type of bounce that was recorded | enum (string) |
reason | The reason that the email bounced | string | ||
mime | The entire mime that was received from the bounce server, if available, otherwise null | string|null |
Properties applicable only to open events
Property | Sub-Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
open | unique_open | Whether this open event was recorded from a new source | enum (string) |
Payload example
Payload example for events:
- sent
- failed
- delivered
- unsubscribe
- resubscribe
{ "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "type": "sent", "timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "data": { "transaction": { "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id": '1234-abcd', "method": "api", "group": { "id": "1234-abcd-4567-efgh", "name": "Default group: 2021-05", }, "sent_timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "subject": "Transaction subject", "message_size_bytes": "4", "recipient": { "name": "To", "email": "[email protected]", "type": "to", }, "from": { "name": "From", "email": "[email protected]", }, "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, }, }, }
Payload example
Payload example for event:
- bounce
{ "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "type": "bounce", "timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "data": { "transaction": { "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id": "1234-abcd", "method": "api", "group": { "id": "1234-abcd-4567-efgh", "name": "Default group: 2021-05", }, "sent_timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "subject": "Transaction subject", "message_size_bytes": "4", "recipient": { "name": "To", "email": "[email protected]", "type": "to", }, "from": { "name": "From", "email": "[email protected]", }, "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, }, "bounce": { "email": "[email protected]", "received_timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "type": "soft", "reason": "content-related", "mime": null, }, }, }
Payload example
Payload example for events:
- click
{ "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "type": "click", "timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "data": { "transaction": { "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id": "1234-abcd", "method": "api", "group": { "id": "1234-abcd-4567-efgh", "name": "Default group: 2021-05", }, "sent_timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "subject": "Transaction subject", "message_size_bytes": "4", "recipient": { "name": "To", "email": "[email protected]", "type": "to", }, "from": { "name": "From", "email": "[email protected]", }, "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, }, "click": { "link": "www.link-url.com", "unique_click": "true", }, }, }
Payload example
Payload example for events:
- open
{ "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "type": "open", "timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "data": { "transaction": { "id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id": "1234-abcd", "method": "api", "group": { "id": "1234-abcd-4567-efgh", "name": "Default group: 2021-05", }, "sent_timestamp": "2022-10-17T13:01:00.000Z", "subject": "Transaction subject", "message_size_bytes": "4", "recipient": { "name": "To", "email": "[email protected]", "type": "to", }, "from": { "name": "From", "email": "[email protected]", }, "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, }, "open": { "unique_open": "true", }, }, }
Legacy properties
Properties applicable to all legacy payloads
Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
event_id | The ID generated for this event | string | |
event_type | The event type that triggered this webhook | enum (string) |
email_to | The recipient’s email address | string | |
group_name | The group that the transaction was sorted in. Default is by month unless a name was provided | string | |
custom_headers | Array containing any custom headers that were sent with the transaction. Null if none were provided | Array|null | |
trans_id | The ID assigned to the transaction when it was generated | string | |
message_id | The ID assigned to the message when it was sent | string | |
subject | The subject line text of the email | string | |
trans_html | The HTML body content of the email. Only included if include_html is set to true | string | |
trans_text | The text body content of the email | string | |
Properties applicable only to click events
Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
link | The URL that was clicked and recorded | string | Valid URL |
unique_click | Whether this was a click from a unique source or a repeated click | enum (string) |
Properties applicable only to bounce events
Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
bounced_email | The email address that the email bounced from | string | |
bounced_received_date | The time that the bounce was recorded expressed in unix time | string | |
bounce_type | The type of bounce that was recorded | enum (string) |
bounce_reason | The reason that the email bounced | string | |
trans_bcontent_complete_mime | The entire mime that was received from the bounce server, if available, otherwise null | string|null |
Properties applicable only to open events
Property | Sub-Property | Description | Data type | Parameters |
open | unique_open | Whether this open event was recorded from a new source | enum (string) |
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- sent, with include_html set to true
{ "event_id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "event_date": 1691828611, "event_type": "sent", "email_to": "[email protected]", "group_name": "Default group: 2021-05", "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, "trans_id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id: "1234-abcd", "subject: "subject", "trans_html": "<html>Transaction body</html>", "trans_text": "Transaction body", }
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- sent, with include_html set to false
{ "event_id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "event_date": 1691828611, "event_type": "sent", "email_to": "[email protected]", "group_name": "Default group: 2021-05", "custom_headers": { "X-My-Header": "my header value", "X-My-Other_Header": "my other header value", }, "trans_id": "1234-abcd-5678-efgh", "message_id: "1234-abcd", "subject: "subject" }
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- failed
- delivered
- unsubscribe
- resubscribe
{ "event_id":"f2caa9fc-6452-49a0-8d9e-17cc063638a6", "event_date":1691828611, "event_type":"failed", "custom_headers":{"X-custom-header":"value1"}, "trans_id":"58585d51-7530-4313-9a47-41c90fc30ee4", "message_id":null, "subject":"Testing sent webhook", "email_to":"[email protected]", "group_name":"Group: August 2023" }
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- bounce
{ "event_id":"12ad8b6e-b2cb-4c17-947b-480075c25fd7", "event_date":1691830555, "event_type":"bounce", "custom_headers":{"X-custom-header":"value1"}, "trans_id":"8ec8bec6-dbe2-4b23-b690-e89842bd5693", "message_id":null, "group_id":1, "bounced_email":"[email protected]", "bounce_received_date":1691830555, "bounce_type":"hard", "bounce_reason":"other", "trans_bcontent_complete_mime":"smtp;554 Email rejected due to security policies" }
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- click
{ "event_id":"1160d473-7176-4a3e-a2a0-5acfba32f9f1", "event_date":1691830953, "event_type":"click", "custom_headers":{"X-custom-header":"value1"}, "trans_id":"4e032b45-ff49-4e29-9311-263a85069ba1", "message_id":null, "email_to":"[email protected]", "group_name":"Group: August 2023", "link": "www.link-url.com", "unique_click": "yes", }
Legacy payload example
Payload example for events:
- open
{ "event_id":"1160d473-7176-4a3e-a2a0-5acfba32f9f1", "event_date":1691830953, "event_type":"open", "custom_headers":{"X-custom-header":"value1"}, "trans_id":"4e032b45-ff49-4e29-9311-263a85069ba1", "message_id":null, "email_to":"[email protected]", "group_name":"Group: August 2023", "unique_open": "yes", }