Release Notes

Release Notes2022-08-19T13:36:04+02:00

Roundup: July & August 2014

After many months of hard work we are excited to unveil a big new feature in Everlytic; Email Campaigns are here. Over the next few weeks we will release Standard and Drip campaigns. This exciting new feature has an impact on other areas of the [...]

Version 6.18.6 – 18 August 2014

Version 6.18 of the system includes the following updates: Message Composition Multi-part SMS. Image manager on Coder. Content Delivery Network phase 2. Delivery options updated to new designs. Message composition copy changes & UX improvements. Message Reports Updated the design of message properties in reports [...]

Roundup: April, May and June

Over the last few months, we have been hard at work on three main areas in Everlytic. It’s been all about: Multipart SMS Campaigns Performance Every day we send millions of emails, SMSes and transactional emails, and making sure they get through quickly is very [...]

Version 6.14 – 30 May 2014

This version of the system includes Message Composition HTML thumbnail generator. Transactional processing folders. New API Calls You can use this method to create many contacts at once, bypassing the 2000 contact limit using the bulk upload call. You can use this method to check [...]

Version 6.13 – 14 April 2014

Updates in this version include beginner and intermediate dashboards, API updates, and multiple bug fixes. Dashboard Two new dashboards have been introduced: Beginner and Intermediate. The dashboard now provide a better flow and access to product features. Contacts Customer can set or update a contact's [...]

Roundup: March 2014

We're on a roll, and we're just getting started! Following on from last month's theme of new and shiny things, we've been spending our time matching what you see with the improvements we've made under the hood. We're always looking for new ways to make [...]

Version 6.11 – 3 March 2014

The following updates have been made to the system and will be live in the version 6.11.3 release. Email Reports A list of message attachments is now available for emails that have attachments. If an email has embedded images, the message details will show that [...]

Roundup: Jan & Feb 2014

The last few months have been very busy for Everlytic and I'm sure you've noticed some hefty changes in the system. We've rolled out a new-look Imports interface, finished updating our email reports and put the finishing touches on the email composition workflow, including the [...]

Version 6.10 – 28 January 2014

This release sees the introduction of a major new feature to email composition; The Coder. This allows advanced users to design their email using code instead of the WYSIWYG editor. We've also rolled out our new import interface and finalised the updates to the email [...]

Version 6.9 – 16 January 2014

This release sees the final touches to our Email reports, we have combined the heat map and link performance reports into the Content Report, and the locations report has been revamped as the Geo report. We have also moved the report sub-menu to the left, [...]