
This page will walk you through each step in the process of creating a standard email. We start with choosing the email composition tool that most suits you, walk through choosing and customising a template, entering email details, creating the email, and choosing who to send it to.

How to Create an Email

To compose an email, hover over the envelope icon in the left-hand navigation bar and click Create Email.

Full Tutorial Video

Step 1: Choose a Composition Method & Template

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To choose a composition style, click on the Builder, Classic, or Coder icons on this page (the Builder, our drag-and-drop email composer, is selected by default). You can also import a template from a URL or upload one from a Zip file by clicking on the links in the top right of the screen.

Create an Email Using the Builder

In the rest of this guide, we’ll explain the Builder method of composition. The other methods include:

  • Classic: A standard What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface.
  • Coder: Advanced code editor to upload or edit email templates using HTML or CSS. This will send your newsletter exactly as you provide it.
  • Import from URL: Import a newsletter directly from a website or CMS.
  • Upload from ZIP: Upload a ZIP file straight from your computer.

Download instructions for these composition methods.

You can also choose an email template from this screen. Templates have predefined style sheets and formats and are designed to be used as-is, so choose one that’s best suited to the layout of your content. Any previously uploaded templates can be found on this step too. If you have a specific layout in mind, you can also customise a blank template.


To choose a template:

  • Scroll through the templates to find one that you like or navigate through the categories to find something specific.
  • Hover over the template thumbnail that you’re interested in. Here, you can either click on the eye icon to preview it or click on the pen icon (or anywhere on the thumbnail) to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Message Properties

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Message properties are the basic details that differentiate this email from all the others you will create. These include:

SubjectThe subject line your subscribers see when the mail arrives in their inbox. This will likely determine if your subscribers open your email.
Inbox Preview TextA short summary of the email following the subject line when viewed in the inbox. The average email client displays about 75 characters.
DescriptionIf you want to add a description of your email, for your own records, you can enter it here. This also helps differentiate your mails if you’re sending multiple emails with the same subject line.
From NameThe name you’d like subscribers to see your message is received from when your message lands in their inbox.
From EmailThis is what your subscribers see as the ‘From’ email address in their inbox. In this section of the properties page, you can intuitively view and select your verified email domains using our domain dropdown bar (see image below). To personalise your from email addresses, click in the from address text box, select the personalisation icon, and find the relevant custom field. This will automatically disable the domain dropdown bar to avoid adding an additional domain to your from email address.

Emojis are small digital images or icons used to express an idea or emotion – you can use the emoji buttons (smiley face) next to the subject line and preview text to include these in here too. Most email clients support emojis, but we recommend still using a subject line that makes sense without the emoji in case.


What it will look like:

Standard Campaign

Adding your email to a standard campaign will allow you to compare statistics on similar messages after sending. You can’t add a message to a campaign after this step. To do this:

  • Check the Standard Campaign checkbox
  • Choose or create the campaign you want to group this email with – e.g.: Black Friday Promotions

Step 3: Message Composition

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As covered earlier, this next tutorial covers the composition process for the Email Builder. Instructions for all other composition options can be found here.

Once you’ve reached the Builder step, you’ll see the left-hand toolbar is split into three tabs:

  1. Layout: This is where you can create the framework of your email, including columns, sections, and social media icons.
  2. Content: Use this to drag content placeholders into your email.
  3. Customise: This is where you can edit the colours of your email background, buttons and other content.

Choose from a one, two, three or four-column section that you can drag into your email. Each of these sections are editable and can be moved around by hovering over the block and selecting from the icons on the top corners.

  • Move the block around (arrow icon)
  • Open the editing panel (pen icon)
  • Delete the block (bin icon)

If you want to replace a section, delete it first and then drop a new content section onto the template. Make sure you keep a backup of the content as it’s not possible to undo a deletion.

You can also drag left-, right-, or centre-aligned social icons into anywhere in your email.

Product Column

If you’ve connected your ecommerce store to the platform, you can pull products into your emails from here. To do this:

  1. Pull a product column into your email where you’d like the store products to be displayed.
  2. Hover over the block placeholder and click on the Edit products button. This will open the product column editor.
  3. Click Choose Products. This will bring up the Choose a Product modal.
  4. Select the store that you’d like to pull the product info from using the dropdown menu.
  5. In the next modal, you can search for the product you want by name or SKU using the search bar and filter by category and availability. This will bring up a selection of products that match your search. You can then sort the products so the one you want is easier to find. Select the product you want and click Save.
Content Over Background Images

To add any content (like HTML text, a button, divider, etc.) over a background image, first add a background image:

  • Drag one of the sections, with the relevant columns, into your preferred location on your email.
  • Click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the section placeholder.
  • Upload your chosen image or specify the URL of the image you’d like to use. Customise your padding as preferred and click the ‘Repeat’ checkbox to repeat the image throughout that section of the mail.
  • Click the back button to exit background editing.

Then, to add content over the image:

  • Go to the Content tab.
  • Drag any of the options from the content tab over your image and edit as usual.
Editing the Background Colour

To edit the background colour of a section in your email:

  • Click on the pencil icon in your chosen section,
  • Select the Row Background Colour block, and
  • Choose the colour you want.

If you know the hex or RGB code for your brand’s colour, type it into the # text box in the colour-picker palette.


On the Content tab, select from any of the below content sections and drag it into your email.


Once you’ve dropped a button into your email, you can personalise it (e.g.: with the person’s name) and edit its colours, label, alignment, and link. Click the button to open its properties and click on the editing icon. Set the button properties in the panel on the left.

Buttons on older templates may still use the Customise tab to change the button colour.

Buttons with Rounded Corners

1. Add the button to your template.

2. Select the Edit feature.

3. The Button Properties will now be displayed on the left.

4. Select the Corner Radius scale to “round” the button to your preference.


To insert images, you can either upload them from your computer / server, or you can get them directly from a URL.

To upload an image:

  • Drop an Image block into the template.
  • Select the pencil icon in the image block.
  • Select upload image in the properties section on the left.
  • Click upload.
  • Click browse.
  • Find the image you want to use.
  • Double-click on the image.
  • The image file will be added to your email.

To use an image URL:

  • Drop an Image block onto the template.
  • Select the edit icon in the image block.
  • In the text box, insert the URL of the image you want to use.
  • Click Save.

Pull social icons into your email by clicking on the social button and dragging it into the relevant section in your email. Once positioned, hover over the social icons in your email and click the pencil icon. This will open the editing panel on the left where you can add icons, titles, and links to the following social platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • A custom platform

You can also pull a text-only block into your email. To edit this text, hover over the block and click the pen icon. Now you can add your text. With the action bar popup, you can also change the font, add bullets, add tables, add links, and more.

There are three types of links you can use in your email text:

  • URL: A link to a webpage
  • Link to anchor in the text: Links to text in the email to get to it faster.
  • Email: Links to an email address where the contact can send an email. Remember to add ‘mailto:’ before the email address.

If you link to a pre-built form created in our platform, the personalisation link pre-populates the form with the subscriber’s personal data. This makes the form-completion process quicker and easier for them.


Dividers add a line into your email to separate different sections of content.


The spacer tool allows you to add a space in between different sections of your email. It’s dynamic too, so just drag the resizing icon at the bottom to get it to the right size.


Countdown timers add excitement and urgency to your campaigns. To put one in your email:

  • Select the Countdown icon and drag it into place in your email.
  • Click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the countdown placeholder.
  • In the left-hand Countdown Properties tab, specify properties like:
    • The end date that your timer is counting down to
    • The font, size, colour and spacing of the numbers and timer labels
    • The language you’d like to use in place of days, hours, minutes, and seconds (customise to your language of choice)
    • The background colour and height
Rotating Banners

You can add a rotating banner, consisting of three images, to your email.

To use it in your email:

  • Click on the Rotating Banner icon and drag it into position in your email.
  • Click the pencil icon on the banner placeholder to add up to three rotating images and a link that the images will lead to if readers click on it.

Note: Remember to save your banner when you’re done.

Video Preview Images

To share a video-preview image in an email, which links to a video in YouTube or Vimeo:

  • Click on the Video icon and drag it into position in your email.
  • Click the pencil icon on the video placeholder.
  • Provide the YouTube or Vimeo link that you’d like the video preview image to link to. The preview image will generate automatically.

If you want to use a custom image for the preview image:

  • Click the pencil icon on the video placeholder.
  • Click on Replace Image under the preview image.
  • Double click on the image you want to use or upload a new one.

Click the Customise tab to adjust the colours for specific elements in your email, like backgrounds, buttons, and header text. You can also choose from a range of pre-existing colour palettes to find a combination that works for you and your brand.

Attachments (Not available on Basic package)

To add an attachment to your email:

  • Click Add Attachment on the top bar.
  • Click Browse Computer to find and upload the file from your computer.
  • Click Attach once the file is uploaded. Attachments are added to the bottom of the email, below the footer.

You can also create an event invitation attachment from this page.

Gmail Promotional Emails

Gmail’s Promotions tab is a marketer’s best friend. Not only does it decrease your email’s chances of going to junk mail, but with a focussed tab just for promotions, it attracts an engaged audience.

Additionally, it enables you to add extra design and content elements to the email that are viewable from the inbox. These include customised images, your company logo, and promotion details like discounts, deal expiry dates, and promo codes.

Read more about Gmail’s Promotions tab 

To send your email to the Gmail promotions tab:

  • Click on the Promotional Email button in the top bar navigation in the Builder.
  • In the Gmail Promotions popup (the preview in the platform is what mobile viewers will see), you can:
    • Enable the Promotional Email toggle.
    • Provide the URL to your company logo icon (the image is small, so icons work better than full logos).
    • Select the checkbox to include a discount description, code, and code expiry date.
    • Select the checkbox to add a promotional image. Click Save.
  • The promotional email will now be set.
Adding Promotional Cards to Your Emails

 Add visual appeal to your emails with promotional cards containing product information. To add these, do the following:

  • Tick the Include Promotional Cards checkbox.
  • Next, 2 promotional card input forms will pop up. If you require an additional card, then click on Add Product Card (below the bottom card).
  • In the Image URL field, enter your desired image link (e.g., server or website link). This is a required field.
  • Now, add your product page link to the Link URL. This is also a required field.
  • Lastly, add in the optional fields, which include:
    • Headline: A general product description
    • Price Amount: The original price of the product without discounts applied.
    • Discount Amount: This amount will automatically subtract from your Price Amount and a strikethrough version of the original price will appear on the card – just to the right of the adjusted price.
    • Currency: To add currency symbols to the price displayed in your card, input the relevant currency acronym or abbreviation into the Currency tab, e.g., USD, EUR, GBP, and ZAR.
Dynamic Content

Dynamic content allows you to customise what different segments of your audience see in your email, displaying or hiding sections of content based on your contacts’ data.

To customise which segments of your audience see a section of your email:

  • Hover over the full layout section of the section you want. This will be shown when you hover just to the right of your content section. You can pull in a new layout section from the layout tab too.
  • Click the Add dynamic statement button on the top-right of the box with the icon that has two arrows coming off a dot.
  • A window will pop up allowing you to set the conditions. Select the data category, field, condition, and value of the condition. You can also add more conditions by clicking the “+” sign.
  • Click Save. The symbol for dynamic statements will turn orange on the layout column to show that a condition has been set.