This version of the system update contains the following updates:
Product Updates
- Template selection page re-skinned with the following:
- Scroll bars (doesn’t work on Firefox)
- Next/Previous buttons
- Name of template
- Palette names
- Title Bars
- Mobile/Responsive icon
- Reset/Undo icon
- Hover thumbnail colours
- Delivery Options re-skinned.
- Basic previews updated:
- Dynamic sections now show by default
- Warning about dynamic content showing
- Thumbnail generation will look like basic preview
- Multivalue custom fields now also usable on dynamic content (only for contacts with custom fields.):
- One of (or values)
- All of (and values)
- None of (no values)
Bugs Zapped
- Long custom field names no longer break the interface in the following:
- Triggers
- Custom fields
- Dynamic content
- Imports
- Contact add/edit
- Personalisation
- Delivery options notification email validation fixed:
- Red line indicates which tab is in error.
- Notification email corrected.
- Validation added to Twig personalisation, no longer causing mail sending to break during:
- Campaigns
- Emails
- API SMS an API Email listing now separated when calling API for either.
- Also returns pagination links
- Animated buttons work around the whole button and not strictly on the text.
- Approval name on interface is also approval name on mail.
- SMS navigation showing email instead of SMS now fixed.