System Notifications

Release Notes Version 2022.7.2

In this release: When you create or edit actions on workflows and you click cancel, it will now discard your settings as expected; when you import contact lists that contain unusual characters or emojis, correctly formatted rows will still import as expected – only the contacts with the characters in them will fail to import; and you can personalise buttons in the email builder again, as expected.


Release Notes Version 2022.7.1

In this release: You can now only save a workflow delay once you’ve specified a delay period; if your transactional SMS API call fails, the API response will now include the custom ID originally attached to the message; and list personalisation in your email properties will now work as expected.


Release Notes Version 2022.6.4

In this release: Detailed contact entries are now displaying correctly in their individual activity logs.


Release Notes Version 2022.6.3

In this release: You can now view tags and interest-based tags on each individual contact’s profile; and platform users in time zones ahead of the client time zone can now schedule messages to go out at times in other time zones, even if it appears as the past in their time zone.


Release Notes Version 2022.6.2

In this release: You can now view list IDs and list group IDs in the Manage Lists page, and the efficiency on workflow node reports has been improved.


Release Notes Version 2022.5.4

In this release: All new users will now be prompted to change their password when they first log in to the platform; the email inbox preview tool has been upgraded; you can now accurately and successfully personalise email buttons so that they direct readers to a personalised URL via a custom field; and when your clients unsubscribe, the setting to redirect them to your own custom URL is now working as expected.


Release Notes Version 2022.5.3

In this release: Performance has been improved on the Manage Lists dashboard; when creating a push notification, you’ll now see the character limits available, so notifications are created without failing; images uploaded into the platform that have special characters in the file name are now being sanitised before saving, so they don’t impact your ability to search for the image later; and campaigns are now saving changes as expected.


Release Notes Version 2022.5.2

In this release: Image URLs that contain an encoded @ symbol (which typically looks like ‘%40’) are now loading correctly, and email sending retries will now appear once on the contact activity report, sharing a message ID with the original.


Release Notes Version 2022.5.1

In this release: We’ve improved the look and feel of the List Manager page, and video preview images are now displaying correctly in recipients’ email inboxes.


Release Notes Version 2022.4.2

In this release: You can now add an icon, image, and up to two buttons on your web push notifications, and line breaks will no longer be possible on email subject lines.
