Release Notes Version 2022.10.3
In this release: You can now send email tests to more than one email address using a comma separator.
In this release: You can now send email tests to more than one email address using a comma separator.
In this release: When you view your email delivery stats on the original Transactional Email Dashboard, your list entries will be ordered by creation date; and when using the Stagger function, your email sends will now go out as expected and the Play/Continue button will display correctly.
In this release: In our original transactional email interface, list groups are now displaying in order of the creation date; you can now share all message reports as expected; and when a list associated to a workflow is deleted, the messages in the workflow fail as expected.
In this release: Users will be able to page between imported tags as expected.
In this release: UI improvements have been made on the Bulk Update page, and any changes made to autoresponders after they’ve been published are now reflecting as expected.
In this release: Improvements have been made on how paused / incomplete workflows display on the platform; all transactional SMTP emails sent from an unverified domain will now fail on the SMTP service; and all users should be able to complete imports now without the interface breaking.
In this release: Performance has been improved on the single contact page and general user interface improvements have been made to workflows.
In this release: When sending a test SMS, you can now specify which contact’s details you’d like to use for the personalisation using a unique ID; and when creating an email from within a workflow, you can now save your progress on the email and return to composing the workflow using the Save & Continue button.
In this release: If an email inside a workflow does not have a valid thumbnail image, the thumbnail will now revert to a default placeholder as expected; when accessing reports on emails sent to over 150 000 contacts, you can now view click-through rates as expected; and social icons on emails created in the builder are now aligning correctly when viewed on mobile.
In this release: We’ve improved the functionality of the buttons that help you navigate through the workflow composition steps; when viewing an email in the builder from within a workflow, you can now click back to the workflow using the ‘Back to Workflow’ button without having to navigate through the email composition process; the copy-and-paste option on list imports should be working as expected again.