System Notifications

Release Notes Version 2020.9.2

Improvements When you click links in your email preview, they open in a new tab in your browser. Bugs Zapped Saving contact settings is now working correctly. SMS link tracking is working correctly again.


Release Notes Version 2020.9.1

Improvements Workflows triggered by a once-off start date will no longer re-trigger if the date is in the past, even if you edit the workflow and republish it. However, if the date is changed to a future date, the workflow will trigger again. Bugs [...]


Release Notes Version 2020.8.4

Features We’ve released a new contact profile for each contact on your list. This enables you to see all personal information and activity for each contact, including activity by date, lists subscribed to, and number of messages delivered, opened, and clicked on. Improvements We [...]


Release Notes Version 2020.7.5

This release includes: Contacts that are already subscribed to a list will now be notified about this if they try to subscribe again, and when importing a list file larger than the hard limit of 200MB, the import will now fail, the user will be notified, and they won’t proceed to the mappings screen. If using the API, an ImportsException error will also reflect in the response object (/imports/ftp).


Release Notes Version 2020.7.3

This release includes: Unsupported integrations, Snapbill and Shopify, have been removed from the platform; low email quota notifications will no longer display on departmental accounts; autoresponder activity has been added as a condition type on Workflows; this allows you to tailor the customer journey based on how contacts interact with your active autoresponders; we’ve added a modal to the home screen, alerting users that verifying your ‘from’ email address will soon be a requirement for your emails to send.
