System Notifications

Release Notes Version 2021.4.1

This release includes: When creating an import via API, imports are no longer failing when you map fewer columns than are in your file, and the footer banner on the platform is no longer obscuring the bottom of long lists.


Release Notes Version 2021.3.3

In this release: The ‘How to Compose’ step in workflow creation has been removed as these options are available on template selection, and when verifying your domain, you can now authenticate it using your domain’s DNS records.


Release Notes Version 2021.3.1

In this release: The .health domain is now supported by transactional email, if a contact who has already subscribed and been confirmed fills in a form again, they will no longer be set back to unconfirmed status, and when you export subscription form data, only fields that are in your form will be exported.


Release Notes Version 2021.2.4

In this release: Administrators can now set up Multi-Factor authentication on their accounts themselves, and on global triggers and workflow start triggers, a tooltip has been added to the Message Link Clicks trigger to show the full link on any links that have been truncated.


Release Notes Version 2021.2.3

In this release: Transactional email callback stats are now being processed faster and we fixed a bug on some clients’ transactional email, where it was deleting the email attachment when emails failed, which caused it to fail again on retry.


Release Notes Version 2021.2.2

In this release: Our Facebook and Google integrations are working again, we’ve added a scrollbar to the content tab in the email Builder, the ampersand symbol is no longer breaking the text in custom fields, we fixed a bug that was opening the dialog box at the top of the screen when linking text in the email Builder, and in the email Builder, the links option in the personalisation modal inserts an HTML link again.


Release Notes Version 2021.2.1

This release includes one big fix on transactional email, so it now returns an HTTP Code of 400 when an error occurs instead of 201.


Release Notes Version 2021.1.2

This release includes 4 bug fixes: The delete button for workflow start triggers is responsive again, workflows now won’t be published unless you’ve selected the relevant lists it applies to, the translation between Spanish and other languages on forms custom messages has been improved, and on the new contacts profile, if you add a new subscriber, the list options now reflect in the Select Lists drop-down menu.


Release Notes Version 2021.1.1

This release includes: The icons at the bottom of SMS, subscription form, landing pages, and workflow composition are now clickable, you can now update a multiple-choice custom field on a contact using the Update Contact Field action in Global Triggers, you can now direct to the new contact profile from any of the reports pages where there’s an email address.
