
Release Notes 2017.6.1

This version of the release contains the following updates: Product Updates SMSes can now have attachments. Limited to one attachment per SMS. Tracking is always enabled for SMS attachments. Recommend shortening links for SMS attachment links. A/B Campaigns Message properties have moved to 'Set Up' [...]


Release Notes 2017.6

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Updates Confirmation modal now displays when editing a queued Autoresponder. Subscriber quota page updated: Added Quota Breakdown button. Now able to see how many credits each department has used. SMS confirmation page re-styled. Subscription form [...]


Release Notes 2017.5.2

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Updates Email thumbnails now update on save. Fixed padding issues on email properties page. New style applied to dropdown form fields. A/B Split Test contacts randomized better for testing period. Landing Pages Landing pages now [...]


Release Notes 2017.5.1

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Updates Mobile number textbox now checks if the number is landline or mobile. No SMSes are sent to landline numbers. Bulk Update now includes date of birth. A close button has been added to the preview [...]


Release Notes 2017.5

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Update Landing Pages are now live. Can insert landing page link in personalisation options during message composition. Import from URL and Import from Zip have been re-skinned. Filters now display recently created filters at the [...]


Release Notes 2017.4

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Update Campaigns Drip campaigns cannot resume when one of the messages is still composing. Specifically for Drip campaigns that were running, then edited to add a message. Heatmaps for edited Autoresponders have been disabled. Filters [...]


First Quarter Catch Up

We have made a number of improvements to the product. Automation is the guiding force behind the changes, to ensure your marketing campaigns are intuitive, manageable, and easier to deploy. This is a detailed list of the most important changes we’ve made to the product [...]


Release Notes 2017.3.2

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Update A Done button is added to the Add Attachments modal. Campaigns In Standard Campaign, you can remove messages from the Manage Campaign modal. A/B Message Settings restyled. Composition method will follow previous steps. Drip [...]


Release Notes 2017.3

This version of the system contains the following updates: Product Update New Add Standard Campaign modal breaks campaign list into pages for easier selection. Bugs Zapped Fixed issue where editing a campaign redirected to "Successfully created a campaign" page. Save button on email properties toolbar [...]
